10 definitions by Horace Wimp
The Most Dangerous Place in the World (TM). The hub of all drug life in the UK, if not the world. Once a popular tourist destination in North Wales - now Shit City.
by Horace Wimp November 19, 2006
Identical in appearance to your average Abraham Lincoln, an Evil Lincoln differs only in that he is entirely evil, with absolutely no moral core. Will kill abundently and pointlessly, wherever and whenever possible. Some varients sport glowing red eyes. Often roars "RAAARGH!" as he attacks. Their motivations and aims remain unknown, as anyone attempting to analyse them is normally murdered brutally and repeatedly. Some eyewitnesses claim Robotic Evil Lincolns exist, but this is unlikely and scary.
"Hey, Jackio, wanna hire Die Hard and get a pizza in? I feel like eating Ital- ARGHH!! NO! NO! My splean! GOD HELP ME! EVIL LINCOLN!! Please, God, let me - ARGHHH!!! NOT THE VARIOUS GUTS!!! Glughh.."
"Dude, you ok? Dude?"
"Dude, you ok? Dude?"
by Horace Wimp November 7, 2006
A type of owl specific to the North Wales coast, known for its distinctive bald head, poor eyesight, large beak and high pitched chirp. Often found in stew.
"Henry, is that a Julian over there? It is, you know! I'm almost sure of it. If only we could hear it's distinctive, high pitched chirp...oh there it goes! Yes, it's definitely a Julian."
by Horace Wimp November 7, 2006
Essentially damnation, or the act of being condemned to Hell. Can also be used as a noun for Hell itself.
"That bitch Satan is sure gonna get the big red one, or my name ain't Bernard God."
"Off you go, Hitler! See you in the big red one!"
"Off you go, Hitler! See you in the big red one!"
by Horace Wimp November 8, 2006
One who, when attending social functions, will never fail to get embarrassingly drunk and then hit on anyone present, regardless of age, gender, appearance or indeed spouse.
"Oh Rory, you can't invite Josh to the office party! He's such a hunsley, he'd whip your Janice away in seconds flat. I'm hungry. Lets get nachos."
by Horace Wimp November 7, 2006
Simple phrase used to catch out British spies or agents when masquerading as the enemy. When wished 'Good luck' in English by a foreign agent they find it literally impossible not to reply with 'Thanks old bean!' or something similar.
Most famously used in The Great Escape.
Most famously used in The Great Escape.
Hans Nazihausen: Halt! Sprechen sie Englisch?
John Smithson: Nein! Der English sind Schwein-poopen.
Hans: Haha, Ja. Good luck.
John: Thanks old bean!
Hans: AHA!
John: Oh bother.
John Smithson: Nein! Der English sind Schwein-poopen.
Hans: Haha, Ja. Good luck.
John: Thanks old bean!
Hans: AHA!
John: Oh bother.
by Horace Wimp January 13, 2008
If someone is 'like Mike', they have achieved the peak of physical and mental perfection. Such people will normally be extremely sporty, intelligent and witty, and as such are very rare. The original Mike to whom the phrase refers is long forgotten, but its safe to assume he was great to know, and probably damn fine to look at.
"Damn Timothy, you got hot. You're great looking."
"Why thanks, good chum."
"Yeah, you're really like Mike!"
"Please! You flatter me too much!"
"Why thanks, good chum."
"Yeah, you're really like Mike!"
"Please! You flatter me too much!"
by Horace Wimp November 8, 2006