116 definitions by Hehe I cheated

on this day (February 21) if the ability to remove a discord user's warnings exists, they must be removed from as many discord user as possible in your server. removed warns on this day cannot be replaced and any new warns on this day are invalidated.
mod: !warn @user

bot: @user now has 3 warns!

mod: 3 warns = ban so bye

user: no its discord warn removal day

mod: ah I see
!unwarn @user

bot: @user has been unwarned, 0 warns remain!
by Hehe I cheated February 19, 2021
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sci-fi weapon of mass destruction. cannot be countered. your only chance of surviving an encounter with someone that wields a laser minigun is to run and hide in the hopes that they wont notice you.
guy 1: bro ur so trash

guy 2: *pulls out laser minigun*

guy 1: BRO ITS JUST A JOKE ITS ONLY A JO- *Gets fried*
by Hehe I cheated April 27, 2021
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Ohio's first and second official supervillains. these people throw cheese at cars and record it to upload to youtube along with a series of other pranks.
guy 1: bro why tf is my car covered in cheese
guy 2: must have been the cheese twins
by Hehe I cheated March 29, 2021
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that one uncle (usually on your father's side of the family) is drunk more often than not and has a 95% chance to be a kidnapper
that one uncle: hHEEEhehjeheEEEEhH HellO KIDS

everyone: RUNS
by Hehe I cheated March 29, 2021
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how I feel about MEE6
by Hehe I cheated February 20, 2021
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The minimal amount of yeeting required
Idiot: I like how we went from yeetus maximus to yeetus minimus

smart guy: isnt yeetus minimus just an average yeet?
by Hehe I cheated February 10, 2021
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A nickname given to someone who is a perfect yeeter
dan: yo mike you're such a yeetdemon-66,666

mike, after yeeting something off the face of the earth: thanks bro
by Hehe I cheated February 9, 2021
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