16 definitions by Hawaiian Dicking

our anon, which art on /b/
hallowed be thy name
thy *chans come:
thy will be done,
on das internets as it is on /b/.
give us this day our daily meme,
and forgive us our trolling,
as we forgive those who troll against us.
and lead us not into cp;
but deliver us from newfaggotry.
for thine is thy 4chan,
the irony, and the stupidity,
for ever and ever.

by Hawaiian Dicking July 10, 2009
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Pronounced "wäp-uh-HO"

An Italian indian. Derived from Latin Woppus-Navojorium.
john - hey bob, you know tony running-water monetti?

bob - yeah?

john - i hear he's a wopajo.
by Hawaiian Dicking April 24, 2009
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having a beautifully shaped buttocks.

from ancient greek kalli-, meaning beautiful, and puge, meaning ass.
dude 1 - yo, you see dat fine ass bitch ova deah?

dude 2 - yeah, man. i would uze da woid callipygian to describe dat shit, yaknowwhatimsayin.
by Hawaiian Dicking July 7, 2009
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Ain't no amount a dat strychnine gonna get dat old smokehound got. He immune to any dat tainted-ass stepped trashy-ass heron, yo. Any shit he shoot be purer den the milk comin from yo moms tit, yo.
by Hawaiian Dicking January 30, 2010
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the one word that people should stop fucking including in their definitions for countries.
type in any country with more than a few definitions into the search bar.

ctrl+f "beautiful"

be horrified
by Hawaiian Dicking May 14, 2009
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one of the billion names on here that gets defined as some retarded "nice, pretty, smart" bullshit that's the same as everything else. put in any girl's name into the search. EVERY fucking definition is almost completely the same.

not convinced?
Karen -

Karen is the perfect woman. She has no flaw. She's funny, sweet, smart as hell, and above all, she is extremely gorgeous. She doesn't let anyone push her around and she has a great personality. She has some awesome goals set and always wins my heart. Has great taste in guys. Don't listen to what the other jack-off put. Everybody loves Karen.

Sara -

A person who is very hot and has the greatest personality ever! In hebrew Sara means princess. There for you should treat her as if she was one! Sara is also a very irresistable person.

Kirsten -

Completely amazing, in all ways, shapes and forms.
Also known as absolutely stunning.

Allison -

A woman defined by brains, beauty, class, and membership in the upper echelons of society. Can usually be found wearing pearls or sorority letters.

Lisa -

An extremely smart and sexy female with great hair and a great face. Nice, sweet and generous are words that go along with Lisa. She is funny and giving. Not a slut by any means but does like to have a good time. Always ready to party and her phone is always ringing. She will even fly to another state for a house party. She is self confident and blessed with good genes. She just has it all; all other girls are extremely jealous of her.

Emily -

The mos beautiful person in the world. Often referred to as a Goddess. Has eyes that one can easily get lost in. A great friend that cares about people and makes the world a better place. Easy to love too.

Julia -

a name for girls. Most julia's are artistic, smart, romantic, beautiful and also very charming. Julia's can get whatever they want if they try. They can be very sexy so watch out! They are romantics and love old movies, art and books. they love old stuff! They usually aren't very athletic but if a julia is athletic she's kick butt! they have great fashion sense and usually look smokin'. A julia will most likely become a mother because they love kids. They are very successful in life and there is just something about them that draws people in. Also they are ah-mazing dancers!
by Hawaiian Dicking June 25, 2009
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