3 definitions by Handle Not Found

It's the time you wear a hat made outta Nilla Wafers. It's the best time in the history of mankind!
One day, there was a knock at my door. A mysterious drifter was on the other side. In his hands was a box, and on his lips were the words, "Listen closely; I don't have much time." Then he reached in the box and pulled out a Nilla Wafer top hat from inside. He said, "Wear it when it's time." And I said, "What time?" And then he died. Later, I realized he was talking about Nilla Wafer top hat time.
by Handle Not Found August 27, 2023
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Elmo's weird cousin, originating from the Drawception game "Espurr is Bored." He's often portrayed as psychotic, and even has his own variation of "Tickle me Elmo" called "Pickle me Yellmo." Ironically enough, Yellmo is allergic to pickles.
After the Drawception game "Espurr is Bored" created Yellmo, things kinda spiraled out of control from there.
by Handle Not Found February 16, 2021
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The ultimate comeback to ligma. Meant to sound like "lick your own."
Person 1: It's so sad that Steve Jobs died of ligma.
Person 2: I'm pretty sure he died of ligurone.
Person 1: Ligurone? What the hell is ligurone?
Person 2: Ligurone balls!
by Handle Not Found July 3, 2023
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