36 definitions by Haley

Ganker of alliance.
Hated by many.
Loved by little Night Elf whores.
Let's just get this quest item an.... fuck, that was so fast it was a Tikan!
by Haley February 20, 2005
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Sad young mom who can't live with or without her man--come on, we've all been there. She's just turning to all the wrong places for help.
by Haley August 4, 2003
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When you want to get with your "fuckbuddy" but that person is either not available or is sampling the other fish in the sea( but you're not mad about him sampling the other fish, just that you were not the FIRST choice.).
I'm having a coochi crisis right in the middle of class!
by Haley May 20, 2004
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The daughter and lyrical inspiration to white rapper Eminem. Apparently the only good thing to come out of marriage to Kim.
by Haley August 4, 2003
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1. my best friend with the rhyming name and same pink shoes (from preschool :D)and one of most awesome people ive ever met. and an incredible gift giver.
2. to be a little more than healthily obsessed with the impact the cosmos have on daily life.
3. to have unrivaled fashion sense and sex appeal
i was such a queally when i saw this shooting star and realized that mars was TOTALLY conjunct with venus and thusly determined that "he'll" fall madly in love with me.

2. wow you are so queally in that amazing outfit whilst juggling five guys in one night
by Haley February 23, 2004
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wang/bastard, made by ms vicki wang
you are one huge mother wastard
by Haley July 16, 2003
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