6 definitions by H0peful57


490 is the numerical representation of "soul shattered": An intense condition of heartbreak and grief that makes a person feel like their heart and soul have shattered to the point of becoming dust.
I was 490; I thought you'd gone forever!
by H0peful57 April 1, 2022
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425= Meet Me There
Out beyond wrong doing and right doing there is a field. 425, with peace in your heart and mercy on your mind.
by H0peful57 April 18, 2022
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You've had a very long hard journey. Please, 44.
by H0peful57 April 18, 2022
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149 is I love you. It's a combination of two other forms: 143 and 459. "I" is interchangeable with "1" and "4", love with "4" and "5", you with "3", "9" or "8" (8 represents a U on the telephone keypad.)

Other examples include: 448, 158, 449, 159, 148, 443, 153.

These examples exist because, when it's heartfelt, the sentence "I love you" can be the most frightening, challenging and intimidating sentence to utter. Frequently, less direct versions appear necessary in order to build courage for the real deal.
Girl: 149
Boy: I'm sorry, what?
Girl: 158
Boy: I don't understand.

Girl: it's ok. I'll try again tomorrow.
by H0peful57 April 18, 2022
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3335 means "You Are The Prize"
Boy: She wanted all the things money can buy. No matter how much I gave it was never enough.

Girl: oh, dear wow man, don't you know 3335?
by H0peful57 May 17, 2022
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334 means Fit For Duty. It is a symbol of the term used to describe being well enough to continue forward. It can range from being in the best shape of one's life to dragging oneself along by one limb.
I've got some medical jazz continuing in the background, but I'm totally 334.
by H0peful57 August 20, 2023
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