4 definitions by Geoffrey Walker

An expression brought back to Australia from Palestine after First World War by returning soldiers. This expression has its roots in the Arabic word 'shufti' (sic) and means in Australian slang to have a look or have a peek, usually at something out of the ordinary.
Hey mate, take a crafty shufti at that piece of crumpet.
by Geoffrey Walker February 16, 2006
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old expression for a wine container now used in slang to cover the whole gambit of containers of alcoholic beverages.
Pass the goatskin before I die of thirst!
by Geoffrey Walker February 16, 2006
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An old Australian expression meaning to hurry up. Has its origins in the crusted dry dags that gathered in the wool around a sheep's rear end. When dry and hardened they rattle when the sheep runs. Commonly prevented by what is called crutching or shearing the wool around the rear end of the beast.
by Geoffrey Walker February 16, 2006
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Commonly used term to express the fact one is on top of the situation at hand or in agreement with a proposal made.
Nowuckinfurries mate, I will get that done for you right away!
by Geoffrey Walker February 16, 2006
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