25 definitions by Geoff Lilley

Big ass eyebrows. Named for the former Communist Party Leader Nikita Kruschev, who had eyebrows that took up half his face.
I saw Brooke Shields on TV last night...that girl's got some big ass brows.

Yeah, those are some serious Kruschevs on her.
by Geoff Lilley October 19, 2007
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The opposite of pre-microwave. Used to describe the twenty-somethings in the workforce who think they've seen and done it all.
"Oh, I've been using Microsoft Word since high school. I'm an old computer user."

"I was using Microsoft Word when you were still in diapers! You are so post-microwave!"
by Geoff Lilley August 28, 2008
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The one-word summary of the Facebook relationship status, "it's complicated." A person who is in an ambiguous state of single; not quite in a relationship, not quite single, and generally looking for better offers.
Chris: "Is your friend available?"
Jim: "Kinda, man, she's simbiguous. Hit her up, see what she says."
by Geoff Lilley March 14, 2011
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When a person runs around like a chicken with his or her head cut off, due to a lack of caffeine in his or her system.
"Dude, I couldn't even find a clean pair of socks this morning, I was so decaffitated."
by Geoff Lilley September 4, 2008
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