3 definitions by Geekonomicon

Slime, unpleasant sticky stuff, an undesirable lubricant.
"You know that stuff that slugs scoot about on? That stuff? That's Sunak."
- @aerhernan on Threads app.

http s://www threads.net/@aethernan/post/CzTTAtGsn7B/?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==
by Geekonomicon November 6, 2023
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Slime, unpleasant sticky stuff, uncious lubricant.
"You know that stuff that slugs scoot about on? That stuff? That's Sunak."
- @aethernan in Threads app.

http s://www threads net/@aethernan/post/CzTTAtGsn7B/?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==
by Geekonomicon November 6, 2023
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verb, to render a piece of software (usually a video game) inoperable and/or unplayable due to one or more bugs left within the code.
"They've really Bethesda-ed up the launch of Fallout 76, haven't they?"

"That's what you get for having an excessively harsh crunch time and not hiring enough QAs."
by Geekonomicon October 31, 2018
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