25 definitions by GLen

More manufactured pop (what's new?), but at least with some talent (they can all sing... a bit).

Kimberley Walsh has a very nice arse it must be said. The rest are average at best.
I have no idea why I just spent some valuable time typing this.
by GLen August 4, 2004
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The act of rumpton, bolting one in the opposite sex.

by GLen January 21, 2004
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the chough one gets after taking a really big bong hit
becky got the rosedale flu this morning
by GLen April 5, 2004
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a person who is in touch with nature. Lives in tune with mother, earth father sun, son rain, daughter wind.
Generally has dreadlocks but not manditory, same with an unwashed appearence, comfortable with their body's & its functions & earthy coloured cloths or being naked.
Quite often proficient at juggling, fire twirling, hacky sack.
I love going to festivals there's so many sexy feral girls.
by GLen February 2, 2005
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stu likes to drink it on a friday night when hes out with the
by GLen October 17, 2003
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it is an Australian term 4 a male but it certainly does NOT mean he is drinking or that, that is all he does.
bloke is used in the same way as guy, man, boy, male.
it has NO particular reference other than denoting gender.
see that bloke over there he's got a .....
the bloke in the blue shirt is the 1 your looking 4.
that bloke in the corner is a dead set wanker.
by GLen February 6, 2005
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