9 definitions by GABRIELLA

comes from the greek meaing messenger. mhaving fun,enjoyment,bitching out sometimes.may also mean punkish
by GABRIELLA February 28, 2005
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A hispanic/spanish/latin mini-mart, kind of like a 7-11, but usually smaller and more like a liquor store atmosphere. Commonly used term on the east coast, especially in the New York City region, where you will find many of these. The word came from the actual spanish word for "grocery store" - la bodega.
Go to the corner bodega and get a couple of 40s.
by GABRIELLA June 23, 2004
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a lip-syncher is a person who mimes on stage in a concert e.g britney spears and maddona.
by GABRIELLA October 11, 2004
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When something is weirdly awkward. Combination of "awkward" and "weird".
Guy one walks into his shared dorm. Find his male roomate dressing himself as a woman.

Guy one: Ok..This is totally awkweird...I'll be going.
Roomate: Uhm...it's not what you think.
by GABRIELLA May 22, 2005
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1) A large or inflamed eyeball
2) The act of harpooning an innocent muskox
1) "Damn, bizzitch, Gremlin's got an eskimo pie! That infection's been makin' it grow like a bath toy."
2) Alvin the Sherpa was hunting for food, so he eskimo pied the huge ox. However, he only took part of the plunder.
by GABRIELLA March 30, 2003
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