6 definitions by GABRIALD

A black person who dose not play into the hands of the democrats and dose better things than call you a rasist. The black person in not a sellout
darn he is better Black Conservative not a sellout
by GABRIALD January 21, 2021
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bored crime syndrome or BCS for short is when your sooo bored you commit a crime. Usually this is rare but sense the quarantine it become more common .
Person 1: i'm so bored .
Person 2: yea me to what should we do?
Person 3: lets commit a crime.
All : Yea!!!
docter: it seems you have boredom crime syndrome

by GABRIALD May 16, 2020
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The thing you people seem to hate even though he did nothing wrong and said that he does not support white supremacy many times ov
Reasonable cognitive person :“ Donald Trump is not a racist”
SJW: “reeeeeeeeeeeeeee
by GABRIALD December 2, 2020
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the best he lives in Australia he hates racisms, sexism homophobia, transphobia but also SJWs.
the buttsman makes me laugh he so fucking funny
by GABRIALD January 18, 2021
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turi ip ip ip
ip ip ip ip tsha ik
ip tura ip ik

eugh eugh isha ik turisha
turi ip ip ip
ip ip ip ip tsha ik
ip tura ip ik

eugh eugh isha ik turisha
#memes #turi ip ip ip
by GABRIALD May 30, 2022
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