4 definitions by Fc

FC: Frek killed Shrek and starred in Shrek 2 as Shrek. Frek stole Shrek's identity.

VT: what the frek (using definition #1)?
by Fc November 5, 2004
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go see fuck and frack and frick
"go frek yourself, you frekkin frekker"
by Fc November 5, 2004
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A person who regularly insults women and generally acts in a disrespectful way towards women. This person is more likely to insult and disrespect after a few drinks or around friends. In order to fit the true definition of a cockmar, one must have at least been slapped by a recently aquatinted woman, or had a drink poured on him.
I can't believe what he said to her, he's such a cockmar.
by Fc January 18, 2004
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One who consumes cock for breakfast
"That denk's favorite cereal is Sugar Frosted Cocks."
by Fc May 24, 2003
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