20 definitions by FREEasAbird

The most trustworthy form of communication is heart to heart between two people.
Jill prefers heart to heart but one on one in a safe space. She won't answer Jack in public because others might hear and matters of the heart are private.
by FREEasAbird January 6, 2020
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Today- the Solstice. Celebrated in various traditions around the world. Some say it is the perfect time to clearly express what you need to manifest and then poof! They appear! Wishing you all a merry period of manifestationisms!
Elena on this bright, calm, starry Solstice wishes for:
A Merry Christmas for M
A HALE that feels like a haven, now (please)
To feel safe and protected and know that those she loves are at all times safe and protected, too
To dare herself to live like a big baller and do it! With the help of and alongside friends, family, community
by FREEasAbird December 22, 2019
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Leo is a three out of tean. 10 at listening but with an agenda so a -10 for opening up to or confiding in unless you want it blasted. Body an 11 for an old dad. -01 for tone when pissed. 1,000,000 for hugs. -3,0000 for chance he will ever be monogamous for life or ethically non-monogamous but high hopes he cheats. A lot. Super glues himself into the membranes of your mind body and soul so that you will give him your last dollar in the hopes he will finally kiss you right. Lame! Probably assigned as your hit man. But very smexy about the job.
Even though he is a really bad kisser, she cannot stop thinking about Leo. He is a twin flamer. Howzit hanging cuz.
by FREEasAbird January 29, 2020
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Chuukese is a language from Micronesia. There are Micronesian immigrants in Hawaii and it would be wonderful to learn more about their country and do a needs assessment to discover how to give them the best life possible in the 🇺🇸.
She told me in Chuukese that Micronesians do not grow up with the idea of personal property so to please not accuse the boy of stealing the pencil in class. In Micronesia, because the pencil belongs to everyone, there is no such thing as theft.
by FREEasAbird December 30, 2020
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A domestic goddess makes her home a haven. If living with others, the home takes into consideration the definition of home as haven of all that call it home. A domestic goddess may also help others make their home what they want it to be, such as decorating it or organizing house parties there. A feminist values choice, so a feminist may choose to be a domestic goddess that makes meals better than any restaurant, has a beautiful garden, the best taste in interior design, and builds a treehouse for her child or children becausr they asked for one!
Helena would love to be a Domestic Goddess for community and in her own home for loved ones she cherishes and loves to make happy and comfortable! For herself, she would want plants, handmade furniture, artmaking and art on the walls, music, green cleaning, doggies to visit, and indoor and outdoor hammocks amd delicious meals to cook!
by FREEasAbird January 4, 2020
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Lei is trying not to be disillusioned by everything and everyone. Mia is her one light and purpose. Lei ironically is sleeping in the safest place she has ever lived. Some things went missing in her current home but the people here are not trying to murder her. Bright side!
Lei is single because she needs to be and prioritizes love. She is focused on manifesting a long term home and resources.
by FREEasAbird January 1, 2020
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