11 definitions by Eric Lee to the mtherfucking J

The nasty shit you take after breakfast, which generally involves a fair amount of regret.
gonna have a fag, oop! brexit!
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wives taken in the 21st century for no reason other than sex. this is in a no way a sarcastic reference to Melania Trump, or other wives that are bought and paid for. in the even you realize my disclaimer itself is total sarcasm. please buy a new wife, because yours needs to be changed. you naughty bastard.
trumps Cock Diaper is so full that holding hands is off the menu! or, "dude my balls are so blue i need to go pick up a Cock Diaper"
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The cheetoh in the White House who never learned about checks and balances while wiping his ass with golden toilet paper at private school; whom in no way shapes foreign policy or represents the office of Presidency. Instead this orange bagged junk is more representative of a cunt with an ass.
Cuntrump walks big, and carries a light shtick.


Cuntrump just openly admitted to sexual assault, no way he gets elected!
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