24 definitions by Enrique

The act of eating pig intestines. They are cheaper and more affordable than your ordinary pork, while providing a constant source of food to people.

Background: Started in a halfway crackhouse in the early 80's when the mother of Eric Mitchell decided it would be easier to eat pig intestines. They were just as wholesome, while being a bit more meaty.
Fred cooked Mitchell some chitlins in the mornin' after a hard eve of sex and crack.
by Enrique April 5, 2005
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50 Cent's favorite song acording to a interview, in the video, he explains how he got shot 9 times and survived.
Drive-by shotters:Hey yo lets shoot that 50 prick, aye lets go..
50 Cent:Mudafucka your lives are in the line...
by Enrique September 11, 2004
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To have a pudgy, rectangular face in the form of a a deep sea crustacean, 'Crab'
Renee Zellweger has a smashed crab face
by Enrique February 5, 2005
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Located on the western part of Mexico, its just like another LA, full of crime drugs and gangsbangin, the most beautiful place there is Maztlan, great tourist place, and dont go to Culiacan, its know as "The motherland of the drug lords" kick the ass of crips and bloods.
by Enrique February 23, 2005
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when a donkey inserts its penis into a dead baby's mouth.
that donkey just bippered my dead baby!
by Enrique July 13, 2004
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A very beautiful big ol fricken shiny beam gazing energy splitting device sent by the gods to keep us all Devine
Damn, Memory found a heck of a terminated crittal over there in that hill

I think he might be a wizard
by Enrique February 24, 2021
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Persona con abundante cabellera.
Pelo de fino grosor.
Vamos Pelusa!!!
(refiriendose a Diego, para que deje de tomar cocaina)
by Enrique March 13, 2005
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