23 definitions by El-Keter

1. A box cutter or razor carried as a weapon.
"When that motherfucka stepped to me I pulled out my ox and gave his bitch-ass a buck fifty!"
by El-Keter July 26, 2002
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"Yo, I was chillin' with this broad last night when all of a sudden she told me to stick it her egg mcmuffin."
by El-Keter July 23, 2003
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1. H.I.V. or the A.I.D.S. virus.

2. A person infected with H.I.V. or the A.I.D.S. virus.

3. Somone who is either secretive or in denial about their status as a carrier of H.I.V. or A.I.D.S.

4. A sneaky or stealthy person.

5. An urban practitioner of the ancient art of Ninjistu.
"You ain't heard? Laquana got that ghetto ninja."

"Goddamn man, last night when I was walking home Jonn dropped down out of a tree and tried to merc me with some shurikens like he's a fuckin' ghetto ninja!"
by El-Keter July 24, 2002
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1. An unfortunate circumstance.

2. Outright bad luck.

3. Anything that is generally fucked up.

4. The opinions of Orlando Ramos.

5. Anything being generally jacked up after the manner of the existence of Orlando Ramos.
"My computer crashed, my dog died and the retarded kids at my job are goin' crazy! AWWWWWW RAMOSITY!"
by El-Keter July 24, 2002
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1. The oral cavity and throat, applying specifically to said oral cavity when it's owner happens to be performing fellatio.
"Tell her you wanna check her tonsils, then jam the jimmy in the funny gullet."
by El-Keter July 23, 2003
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1. A person, place, thing or event which is in every aspect influenced by the films of famed Hong Kong director John Woo.

2. A person, place, thing or event that is violent, ultra-violent or stylistically violent either in and of themselves or due to a general similarity to the stylized violence found in the films of famed Hong Kong director John Woo.

see also: wooification
"Did you see The Matrix, when Neo was blasting with that gatling gun from the helicopter and the shells were falling? Tell me that wasn't wooified!"
by El-Keter July 24, 2002
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1. A descritpive term used to describe the state of a person, place, thing or event of a particularly ludicrous nature.
"Nas and Jay-Z in a gay prono together ... what kind of ludicrosity is this?!?!"
by El-Keter August 9, 2002
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