7 definitions by EEKatLarge

1. A tangible or intangible object intended to be produced as a result of a project that is not delivered to its final customer.

2. A deliverable that isn't - typically due to last-minute CFs and/or your jackass coworker sitting on a huge project due yesterday for three weeks prior to passing it along to you.
"That surprise high-priority deadline just turned my entire deliverables list into deliverunables."
by EEKatLarge February 16, 2012
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The bottom button on men's suit jackets, the buttoning of which gentlemen of style know is strictly verboten.
Gregory cut a dashing figure in his tailored suit, his jacket's verbutton free to just do nothing and look cool while its top button shouldered the full burden of keeping the coat's right and left sides firmly together.
by EEKatLarge January 3, 2015
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A vacation or trip of which the primary purpose is to enjoy a destination's culinary offerings.
Steve and Linda have already made reservations at Per Se, Jean Georges, Le Bernardin and Daniel for their upcoming restaurantour of New York City.
by EEKatLarge February 14, 2009
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Any series of emojis forming an affirmation texted repeatedly to motivate and inspire one to be one’s best self. Mantroji represent a positive phrase or statement that, when continually reinforced through tactile expression and visual intake, serves as instruction to one’s subconscious regarding the way one wishes to live one’s life.
Nicole’s mantroji— 💩🛷 ☮️ — is her thumbs’ way of telling her brain that “shit slides away from me” so it will help her live the peaceful life to which she aspires.
by EEKatLarge May 30, 2019
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A pre-fiancé (or pre-fiancée), generally the result of a long-term relationship assumed by all to be headed for eventual engagement; the designation one step above boyfriend (or girlfriend), but a notch below fiancé (or fiancée).
After he agreed six years into their relationship that someday he would indeed propose to her, Karen began referring to Craig as her preancé to indicate they weren't just dating aimlessly.
by EEKatLarge February 14, 2009
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The act of turning thought into reality through continually focusing texts on whatever one hopes to be brought to life by the universe. The guiding principle of manitextation states that whatever is put out in the universe via text—positive or negative, success or failure—is returned to the texter. Verb form: manitext.
Nicole’s mantroji 💩🛷 ☮️ (a.k.a. “the shit slides downhill”) is the manitextation of the peaceful life she’s always wanted.
by EEKatLarge May 30, 2019
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The former nude-model, current plagarism enthusiast, and future third ex-wife of an orange-fleshed, cornsilk-toupeed, short-fingered vulgarian who defied all laws of logic and physics to occupy the highest political office in the US despite his overt racism, misogyny, xenophobia, dishonesty, pro-rape stance, and general tackiness.
During the surreal presidential inauguration, it was hard to ignore the deer-in-the-headlights expression on the Third Lady's face as her glance darted back and forth between the throngs of screaming protesters and the repulsively tiny fingers on her husband's shrunken hand as it ceaselessly roamed her stepdaughter's backside, one child-sized finger focused on the very center of its target, attempting over and over again to break through the fabric barrier as if it were a parched desert traveler and its longed-for destination the last drop of water on earth.
by EEKatLarge November 12, 2016
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