20 definitions by Derbyshire Linguist

A term to describe boxed wine when you just want to feel fancy.
"I'll fetch the Cardbordeux."

"That's not Merlot, that's just my finest Cardbordeux."
by Derbyshire Linguist September 3, 2022
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When an animal is being cute, but also looks extremely dishevelled at the same time.
by Derbyshire Linguist September 3, 2022
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An unreasonably tall person that leaves you stunned by their sheer height.
"Is that him? Wow, he's a 60 foot Gog!"

"She's not short, she's a 60 foot Gog."
by Derbyshire Linguist September 3, 2022
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"That cockatiel just did a good sweep!"

"Aw, my bird did a sweep."
by Derbyshire Linguist September 3, 2022
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A game that a child has made up that makes zero sense.
"I see Jane is playing Habbitycack again."

"That's just Habbitycack, it makes no sense!"
by Derbyshire Linguist September 3, 2022
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A way of describing a bird when it's being cute and round.

See also: Budding Clud
"Zak, you're such a Pudding Club!"

"He's being a Pudding Club again."
by Derbyshire Linguist September 12, 2022
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"Rebecca's kid kicked her in the arg!"
by Derbyshire Linguist September 27, 2022
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