90 definitions by Denis Baldwin


A dark stout beer of Irish origin. It drinks like a meal, thick and consistent.
Another round of Guinness for my brothers!
by Denis Baldwin February 3, 2004
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A favorite tool of cutters and cokeheads, razor blades are often used to cut drugs into powder or to slice one's flesh when cutting.
Pass me the razor blades, man. My nose needs a treat!
by Denis Baldwin February 3, 2004
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The practice of smoking Crystal Meth or Crack Cocaine out of a lightbulb.
Not having my glass pipe ready, we opted to use the lightbulb for a bit of bulbing.
by Denis Baldwin December 22, 2003
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Protege' of denisbaldwin and linder, This tubby bastard rocks the decks at low rent discos around Detroit.

Often seen performing the shocker on rave sluts and dealing cocaine out his trenchcoat, darkcube is truly a gangsta's gangsta.
I was out cruisin Gratiot when I saw Darkcube punch a cop right up in the eye.
by Denis Baldwin December 19, 2003
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- The housing structure that holds denisbaldwin, sneak and kopyboi. When not being used as a residence, sixfiftythree is a two-teir poker lounge and party hall.

- A popular brand of clothing mostly worn by cokeheads and ljsluts.
I took a shot of jager and I shot my woman down.
by Denis Baldwin February 3, 2004
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Also known as the plastikman, Richie Hawtin spins records in the class Detroit Techno sense. He also remixes other works.

Lately, however, he's been putting out things that are surprisingly dashboard and reznor, complete with whining vocals.
While I'm usually rocking out to hard drum and bass or jungle, I always have room to stop and listen to Richie Hawtin.
by Denis Baldwin February 3, 2004
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On divided highways, a michigan left is the act of making a right onto a road, getting into the far left lane and making a left through a paved U-Turn to go left again. It's the only way to go left in a lot of parts of Michigan.
I was on Rochester Road in Troy and had to make a Michigan Left to get back on big beaver.
by Denis Baldwin June 30, 2004
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