12 definitions by DarkLight

A kid who screeches into the mic saying Cooooooog as the other person gets annoyed or dies of laughter neither person no what it means - Darklight
Yo guess what nice cog or saying coooooog in a long screeching sound as Kayden tries to eat cereal at 2 in the morning laughing
by DarkLight July 3, 2020
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Can I get some head
“It’s national receive head day
“No it’s January 11”
by DarkLight January 11, 2022
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Slang; short form of savage

1. denotes emphasis, usually in a positive or mock-positive light; the precise quality that is being emphasized is generally dependant upon context

Svg is very often used sarcastically.
Person One: <some sort of commendable display>
Person Two: Dude! Svg!


Person One: <relates a story of woe and bad luck>
Person Two: Wow, that was a svg mise.
by DarkLight April 8, 2005
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1. extra aesthetic; excessively designed or fancy.

2. overly dramatic or over the top reaction.
1. "Don't put that many stickers on your laptop dude, you'll make it extrathetic."

2. Guy A: *throws game controller on floor* "I don't want to play this anymore!"

Guy B: "Geez man, don't be extrathetic, you only lost twice.."
by DarkLight December 18, 2012
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etym: Magic: the Gathering slang; originally beating, then b-ting, then finally just ting

1. n. A defeat, particularly a bad one.
2. v. to soundly defeat an opponent
3. An exclamation of joy, or anticipation of good things.
1. Man, those were some svg tings.
2. That guy was terrible. I tinged him.
3. That's just what I need! Ting!
by DarkLight April 8, 2005
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