10 definitions by DJP

Someone who has luck equivalent to that of a coop-a-loop. It generally describes someone who always happens to have things go their way, no matter the situation.
After winning six straight poker hands, Andrew was said to have coop-like luck.
by DJP January 29, 2004
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The name given to one with Coop-like characteristics. One of the more prominent characteristics is the coop-like luck. A Canadian Coop is called Coop-eh-loop. They are generally observed as having curly hair and glasses.
That curly haired kid with glasses is without a doubt a Coop-A-Loop
by DJP January 29, 2004
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Smegma. The foul smelling and tasting substance found under the foreskin of a man's penis. Is usually composed of dead skin and other body secretions.
My boyfriend wants me to give him a blow job but I can't stand the taste of head cheese.
by DJP August 23, 2003
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1.Abbreviation for organization - "Fist Fuckers of America."

2. Abbreviation for organization -"Future Farmers of America."
Bruce liked having a fist shoved up his ass so he joined the FFA.

Mu high school had a four H club sponsored by the FFA.
by DJP August 23, 2003
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Abbreviation for "Gay White Male" used in personal ads
GWM seeks same for interesting and converstion and possible relationship.
by DJP August 23, 2003
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Overclocked Remix.

Lamest boards in all existence, but great remixes.
OMFG ocr's unmod foram r 4 ghey
by DJP November 8, 2003
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An adjective describing subjects considered to be in the fine arts.

An adjective describing a person who participates in the arts.
Technical colleges are best because you don't have to take the unrealated artsy-fartsy classes.

Most of the kids in the drama class are too artsy-farty for my taste.
by DJP August 23, 2003
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