11 definitions by DBRobinson

i dont no, all slurred together. kinda like "meh"
"I have theories"
"what are they?"
"whats the Answer to # 5 mr wilson?"
by DBRobinson September 17, 2003
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originally brought into use by the beatles. can mean whatever the hell you want it too. vaugly similar usage as wordall your base are now belong to us/word
I am the walrus, goo goo ga joob.
by DBRobinson August 31, 2003
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1. a nerd with (some twisted variation of) social skills.

2. Someone who has an obsession with computers and/or whose life cconsists of computer related tasks

3. someone with a greater than normal computer skills.
a nice geek helped me set up my printer and explained how to use the inernet to me last night. charming fellow, really.
by DBRobinson August 4, 2003
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that little dude with bottlerockets
by DBRobinson November 7, 2003
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an exclamation of approval or interst in something. (as in, that's awesome!)

Taken from the german term for good, pronounced goot. often used with other hip-hop words, i.e. Gangsta, G-Thug, etc.

syn: Sick, awesome
That's Gutta!
by DBRobinson August 4, 2003
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refers to that noise tgey play when someone has a really bad joke.
why did th3e egg roll across the road? Cuz he liked bowling! *silence, crickets chirping*
by DBRobinson November 7, 2003
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