61 definitions by D F STuckey

Internet term meaning a permanent link to a cached site, rather than to one which changes content regularly.
"If this link doesn't exist, please try the permalink below it."
by D F STuckey November 6, 2004
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slang term for westerns on television or at the movies, derived from the term soap operas
"Many attempts to revive horse operas have been tried since the 1970s, but only 'Deadwood' has had great success"
by D F STuckey July 29, 2005
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1.A working class person, engaged in typically arduous manual labour.

2. A person, usually male, who has a violent and/or unpleasant kissing technique.
1." Harry is a ruffneck on an offshore drilling rig"

2."Steven is a real ruffneck - Tore out my damn extensions!"
by D F STuckey February 19, 2004
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Bipedal creature found on Earth. First creature in the biosphere to succesfully refine abstract thought into more than the ability to lie and/or delude itself, humans developed the technique of picturing the way things might be and then planning ways to make reality fit the pattern.

This faculty turns in upon itself, however, when the attempt fails, leading to such emotional conflicts as self-loathing, bias against more succesful others, self-worship, or sublimation of individualism into a group mind.

Humans have borrowed many traits from other species such as hunting for pleasure ( from cats and squids ), enslaving other species ( from ants ), protecting and nurturing other species to gather products from them ( from ants ), spoiling other creatures habitats by their own constructs ( from beavers ), and creating and sharing habitats with other creatures ( from corals, rodents and birds ). Humans have invented several concepts for themselves, such as artistic endevour for its own sake, resource gathering and stockpiling for its own sake, ignorance and self-delusion as a natural right, love and attraction not solely for the purpose of reproduction, worship of the different, lack of diversity as a positive, and worship of the identical.

Humans are capable of percieving that they are less than what they imagine themselves to be. This is not only their major problem, it is also their major strength.
" Some say modern humans are smarter than cavemen, some say we are less. I think we are exactly as smart as cavemen, and that is pretty smart indeed".
by D F STuckey July 5, 2004
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The act of a company taking over other companies, in order to grow larger. Secrecy about the takeover is implied but is not obvious or compulsory.

( Derived from the powerful Shipstone Corporation, which eventually owned Coca-Cola and 50% of all business on Earth in Robert Heinlien's novel "Friday"
"Gulf And Western shipstoned Paramount Pctures back in the eighties, then they sold it."
by D F STuckey February 14, 2004
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A science fiction or action film or television show which is set in or primarily in the ocean or underwater.

Derived from the term soap opera
" Of all the soak operas, Seaquest DSV is probably the most realistic, apart from Sea Hunt."
by D F STuckey May 5, 2004
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A quote line to introduce a new topic of conversation, or to end a particualarly embarrassing line of talk.

Derived from the old horse operas where action at one point was interrupted to go to the ranch in question; This line being spoken by the narrator in order to assist the hard of thinking. ( A hold over from radio narration style )
A;"Anyway, how did your date with Sarah go?"
B:'OK, I guess . . . Did you know she was a hermaphrodite?"
A:"Meanwhile, back at the ranch . . . "
by D F STuckey May 5, 2004
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