4 definitions by Cornsonthehouse

A large meal usually rich in fat and insoluble fiber, which results in the monstrous desire to have a bowel movement either during or after finishing the meal.

Push meals often occur after long periods of time being away from civilization, clean bathrooms, or acceptable circumstances to poop. Military duties coupled with high intake of low-fiber foods and disgusting outdoor latrines may result in an increased prevalence or push meals once relieved from training. Boating events that include hot weather and cheap beer ultimately increasing risk of dehydration and bowel movement generation, as well as 3-5 day backpacking adventures eating primarily dehydrated foods are also criteria that may increase likelihood of push meals. There may be many unnamed incidences that increase likelihood of having a push meal.
Lets go to Chipotle, I need a good push meal since getting back from my AT.
by Cornsonthehouse July 27, 2022
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A large meal rich in fat and insoluble fiber, often consumed after periods of prolonged bowel irregularity, which results in the undeniable urge to have a bowel movement either during, or shortly after finishing the meal.
I need a good push meal, I just got back from military duty where they fed us trash, and all the latrines were disgusting so I didn't poop for like a week.
by Cornsonthehouse August 4, 2022
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An individual who has a strong affection and attraction towards butts, usually in a sexual manner. Most buttfreaks are biological males who are instinctual drawn to the glorious sight of the varied shapes and sizes of the female butt. Most may occasionally be mistaken for a pervert.
My girlfriend slapped me today because I couldn't stop looking at some hot body butts while we were at the pool. It's hard being such a buttfreak.
by Cornsonthehouse July 18, 2023
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Coffee consumed in various amounts which may enhance the bowel movement generating effects of a push meal, sometimes loosening consistency and commonly adding an expolsive component.
That coffee booster that I had with my push meal really caused a rectal exorcism.
by Cornsonthehouse September 15, 2022
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