43 definitions by Cornpop was a bad dude

1. Somebody who talks and or acts like an idiot even though they know better.

2. A Florida rapper ashamed of his educated background and in favor of his retarded sounding alter ego.
Jermaine: ay bruh bruh, tel ny nga who got a prblm wit me he cen git it naam tann bout? I finna beat ny pussay azz nigga dat gots a prblm wit me naam saan?
Marques: Jermaine, stop being a Plies! You weren't raised like that, you are not from the ghetto, you went to college and are educated, so stop talking like a retard and trying to be hood! If you keep pretending to be a thug one of these days you'll get yourself killed by a real thug.
Jermaine: but I wants people to think I'm cool! Being smart isn't cool nomore, naam taan bout?

Plies: Ay yo bih, dis ya lil ol Plies talkin, n I be lookin' 4 a fine lil bussit baby, naam sayin? I be trynna git her nimba bruh bruh, n I'm a goon, I rlly b n dem streetz bruh, I'm sippin on dat yike, pussy nigga mess wit me he ain't gon make it bike, modafucka itz sweet pussay satday, I finna git ma dick sucked bruh bruh, n u no, ppl say im not lyrical bruh, but dat ain't my fault bih, I dropped outta college bih, ain't earned my degree, naam taan bout bruh bruh?
Smart person: oh shut up already, and stop talking like a retard when you can actually speak properly, you can we've heard you in interviews. You don't live the thug life you stole all your rap material from your brother's life. You went to college and are somewhat educated, and just because you dropped out that isn't an excuse for your bad lyrical abilities, I mean look at Nas, he didn't even go to college and he's 100 times more lyrical than you could ever hope to be.
by Cornpop was a bad dude July 25, 2022
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Another funny and accurate name for Joe Biden, due to the fact that every time you see him and hear him he seems 'barely there' mentally and has no idea what he is saying, doing, who he is talking to or much less where he is.
Barely there Biden: My friend, my long friend, my long friend time friend she's my friend she's been my friend, I got hairy legs, that turn, that turn, that that that that that that that that that turn, that uh turn uh uh uh that turn um uh blonde, in the in in in in the the sun, you know, look, I was talking to president...you know, the guy, my boss, RapRock America, I mean, you know, come on man!
by Cornpop was a bad dude July 25, 2022
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10 year old: how do you spell 'independent?'
Webbie: I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T, do you know what that mean mane?
10 year old: thanks so much Trill Young Savage, I am going to ace that spelling test tomorrow!
by Cornpop was a bad dude July 22, 2022
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A man who gets peed on, especially by another man.
Luke totally got draked last night at the club lol
by Cornpop was a bad dude July 16, 2022
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Basically Joe Biden's entire political career.
If you want to know what a gaffe is, just go watch any Biden speech on youtube.
by Cornpop was a bad dude January 1, 2021
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The most overused word in hip hop music today and by a certain type of black people, mostly the uneducated type who heavily partake in the hip hop culture and gangsta lifestyle.
YG: my nigga, my nigga, my nigga my nigga, thatz my mafuckin nigga!

Random dumb person: Nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga and yeah, that's what I said, I said nigga, nigga, nigga nigga, I finna shoot a pussy nigga in his face nigga, nigga steppin' outta line nigga, nigga mus ain't know nigga, dat bitch azz nigga mus ain't know dat he out of pocket nigga, dat nigga finna get a beatdown nigga
Smart person: don't you know any other words besides nigga?
Dumb person: ay nigga now I finna whoop yo white azz!
Smart person: why?
Dumb person: cuz u said nigga! U can't say nigga nigga, nigga u white nigga so u can't say nigga nigga, nigga u undastand nigga?
Smart person: well you just said it like 500 times!
Dumb person: yeah cuz im black n u white so you can't say it even dough we say it in every other rap song every other five words u can't say it even dough we want equal rights we can say it u cant daz juz da way it iz now we finna fight bitch ass nigga!
Smart person: wait...so now you call me a nigga? How can you call me a nigga and I'm white, and you say I can't say it even if I'm just quoting your retardation? Fuckin dumbfuck!
by Cornpop was a bad dude June 16, 2022
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When a man's penis is unable to get hard, when a man has difficulty getting or keeping an erection. There are many reasons for this but one such reason could be when you see someone so ugly and unattractive that you have a hard time becoming turned on again after seeing something so repulsive. The only way to fix this is to counter the horror that you have witnessed with the most drop-dead sexy girls that never fail to turn you on and will help to erase the repulsive imagery from your mind.
After I saw Kamala Harris' nude photos, I had erectile dysfunction for over two months.
by Cornpop was a bad dude July 20, 2022
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