4 definitions by Comidiyan

When people act like a bunch of whiny bitches or argue like bitches.
Person 1: Oh my god dude, I'm reporting you for hacking.
Person 2: Kid you're just mad I'm good at the game.
Me: Y'all a bunch of girl scouts.
by Comidiyan May 7, 2021
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The cock shot is when you ram someone in the face with only your dick at mach two speeds, the blast is so fucking powerful it's the closest thing to god himself, the cock shot is something not to mess with ladies.
Bro she got cock shotted so hard last night she ended up in the hospital.
by Comidiyan October 30, 2020
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Me: Bro the quote "Underidoderidoderiododeridoo." speaks to me every time.
Random Person: What
by Comidiyan August 7, 2021
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When you can't say the n-word so your best bet is fella.
Guy 1: What's up my fella.
Guy 2: Sup fella, lovely weather we're having.
by Comidiyan January 8, 2021
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