8 definitions by Cluver

Absolute Chad who is nothing but a great friend and will always be someone to rely on.
“What an absolute Check Keeper”
by Cluver May 19, 2021
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“I have a famously large Djampu.”
by Cluver April 7, 2021
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Absolutely mad, wild, crazy, raging, CHADMEISTER.
I’m just Srol, JA FEEL?”
by Cluver April 7, 2021
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When someone so desperately believes everyone hates them, and is constantly in a fit of denial over love for themselves, that they push their friends away. The worst kind of self-esteem.
Child: “This person literally took a bullet for me; but I still think that they hate me deep down.”

Mother: “Help doctor please, he is convinced the world is against him and believes he is hated by everyone.”

Doctor: “I’m sorry ma’am, but he has Cluver Atreides Syndrome. It is very hard to cure, nearly impossible!”
by Cluver June 3, 2021
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Incredible actress, director, and writer. Absolute masterclass of her work. She should be proud, she is legendary and WILL go down as one of the greats.
“You ever see the movie Little Women?”
Yeah dude! It’s a total Greta Gerwig piece of art”
by Cluver May 19, 2021
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