5 definitions by Chris Felax

Similar to "blast" or a "good time." Spoken as if someone were unfamiliar with the english language and mispronounced "blast."
"I can't wait for the party tonight. We'll have a blart!"
"Creating new words is a blart."
by Chris Felax March 25, 2008
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A combination of the words "howdy" and "adios." Can be used when greeting someone in passing or a quick salutation.
"Howdios, Mike! Howdios to you too."
by Chris Felax January 24, 2008
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Meaning "cheese left." When you pull a slice of pizza out of the whole pie, it's the little bit of cheese, sauce, and toppings that come off the tip of your pizza slice.
"You swiped my cheft! I was going to eat that."

"The cheft is the best part of the pizza...all that pepperoni and cheese left in the box."
by Chris Felax April 24, 2007
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Describing anything fat, obese, rotund, porcine. Can be used as an adjective or noun.
That guy just ate 2 pepperoni pizzas by himself! How fyucka.

That fyucka girl has fat rolls hanging over her jeans.
by Chris Felax October 11, 2006
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A number larger than a million but open ended in size. Used as a generally large number that's unquantifiable.
"There are a shazillion people on the beach today. Where will we sit?"
"Shazillions of stars are in the sky tonight."
by Chris Felax March 25, 2008
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