10 definitions by Childish Bambino

When a guy's best friend (typically a man) is still so close to the guy while he has had a girlfriend for a while that he has to be just as tentative to his friend. Often this friend ends up making the girlfriend the 3rd wheel when we go out
I swear Trent and I were having such a great time at the mall until his 2nd girlfriend made me the third wheel when they started talking about fantasy football
by Childish Bambino October 11, 2018
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one who obsessively stalks profiles on social media, especially facebook and instagram
Ted: damn, bro, I just saw that my ex liked a photo from page 10 of my pictures!!!
Greg: hah, what a scrub, looks like she's quite the profile prowler.
by Childish Bambino May 2, 2019
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A reference from Harry Potter for having the ability to talk to snakes. This reference is used when someone has mastered the art of not just giving a good blowjob, but giving the best blowjob ever!
Man, Becky legitimately gave the best head ever! I don't know how she made my head spin like that, but damn she must've known parseltongue.
by Childish Bambino December 6, 2018
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