24 definitions by ChibiTaryn

The glorious culmination of w00t and b33r
by ChibiTaryn August 1, 2003
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Neon Genesis Evangelion.

An 26 episode anime series released by Studio Gainax in the mid 1990's, and directed by Hideaki Anno.

The story depicts a world that has been all but destroyed by a disaster in the year 2000, and the ensuing chaos when a race called the "Angels" return to destroy what is left of mankind.

"Evangelion" also refers to the giant mecha used in the series as the primary weapon against the Angels.
by ChibiTaryn August 1, 2003
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The Final Fantasy VII Citadel.

The most comprehensive Final Fantasy VII site on the web
I just submitted an article to the FFVII Citadel
by ChibiTaryn August 1, 2003
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A cousin of adware and spyware, this usually downloads and installs itself to your PC without your permission.

It often takes the form of programs called "porn diallers" that dial expensive or long distance numbers.
Stupid malware!
by ChibiTaryn August 1, 2003
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A free messageboard system.

While once very good, it is now bogged down by advertising and pop-up ads. You can pay for a gold service, but it's not worth it.

This poor service has earned it the nickname SleazyWhore
Oh it's just a crappy EZboard
by ChibiTaryn August 1, 2003
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An anime/manga or (anime/manga) based fan-work that depicts sexual acts.

Often shortened to simply "Lemon", the term is actually derived from a hentai anime in 1984, "Cream Lemon", which told a story about a girl called Ami and her relationships.

Since then "Lemon" has been used to refer to all sexually-oriented fanworks, in particular fan-fiction.
"That site has a few lemon fics"
by ChibiTaryn August 1, 2003
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See also Aeris.

Aerith Gainsborough, the main female heroine of Final Fantasy VII.

Ultimately saves the world through her sacrifice.
by ChibiTaryn August 1, 2003
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