7 definitions by CheesyMarshmallow

She’s that girl who will spend 10 years in the library and never get bored. She's extremely clever, funny, relatable and pretty. Karthika's tend to be musical and dramatic, and always score A star in their exams. She’s a great person and it takes a while to find someone like that.
Person 1: How was Orchestra?
Person 2: Fine, I met a really nice girl called Karthika there
Person 1: Really? Sounds nice.
Person 2: Yeah, I said I would meet her in the library now
by CheesyMarshmallow December 6, 2021
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Gareth’s are one of the kindest people known to mankind. You will never catch them without a smile. They are hard-working, clever, funny and caring, and a one in a million person. These people can crack jokes so naturally and will never fail to make you laugh. You guys don’t realise how lucky you are to know a Gareth.
Person 1: Hi I just met a guy called Gareth.
Person 2: How was he?
Person 1: Absolutely amazing!
by CheesyMarshmallow December 18, 2021
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Sarah’s are honestly the most beautiful people. They tend to be the most sarcastic people and that’s what makes them funny! They usually wear fluffy jumpers and anything that provides self comfort and will always look great in anything. They are the peace-makers of any situations and easy to talk to people. You are very lucky if you have a Sarah in your life.
Person 1: That woman over there, Sarah, is really nice
Person 2: I know I just spoke to her
Person 1: Same. Whatever she says makes me smile!
by CheesyMarshmallow December 6, 2021
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Wendy is the kindest person you will ever meet. Wendy's tend to love cats, crafts and sewing. They are beautiful people, inside out. To know a Wendy is unexplainably lucky. They have the warmest smile and the biggest heart. To know a Wendy is a pleasure and an experience never to forget. You should take pride in knowing a Wendy.
Person 1: Wow, I just met a woman called Wendy.
Person 2: How was she?
Person 1: Lovely <3
by CheesyMarshmallow December 6, 2021
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Adam's are clever beyond their years. They are independent and like things to be left to themselves to deal with. Adam's aren’t self obsessed, infact they are humble and kind, but still take pride in their appearance. Adam's proudest feature is usually his hair. You are very lucky if you know an Adam.
Person 1: I have this new mate, Adam.
Person 2: Cool! What’s he like?
Person 1: Awesome.
by CheesyMarshmallow December 6, 2021
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Hannah is a great person. She’s funny, smart and pretty. She’s really creative, she’s a great artist and story writer. She’s a dreamer, and ambitious, always smiling and laughing. Hannah is that girl who will always make you feel better. It’s amazing to know a Hannah.
Person 1: Wow, I met a girl called Hannah
Person 2: How was she?
Person 1: Great!
by CheesyMarshmallow December 6, 2021
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The light of your life. She's beautiful without even trying, and the most easy to talk to person. She will never laugh at you and will always understand. Ava's tend to have the most perfect hair and eyebrows, and even though they are stunning, they will always be humble and never admit so. They will always think less of themselves, when really, they should stand up for themselves more. You are luckier than you ever know if you've met an Ava before.
Person 1: Wow, I just realised how lucky I am that I know Ava.
by CheesyMarshmallow December 6, 2021
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