32 definitions by Charmouche

American slang for a gullible and weak-minded person. A patsy is a fool, usually a person that has good intentions but is deceived easily. The term originated when Irish immigrants came over to the USA, during the potato famine in the 19th century. (i.e. patsy = St. Patrick) and loads of Irish people entering the working class, were easily gullible and duped by Americans crooks/fraudsters when they settled there. Another term that isn't used very much and is more rare is, "paddy". Americans were mostly Protestants too, so calling Irish people patsy was more insulting of their Catholicism than their actual ethnicity.

It is no longer derogatory against just Irish people or religion in the USA, and is now usually used in modern society by American dads to scold their sons. It's almost like saying "Don't be a gullible pussy".
Snake Oil Sellsman: hahahaha! Those damned patsy's were duped again by our quack cures, and making us richer. It's a good thing they decided to come here, trying to take the easy way out, instead of staying in Ireland.
by Charmouche September 28, 2016
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A fake person on the Internet who is a mocker with subtle jests.
Trolololol trolls shall rule da world.
by Charmouche March 23, 2017
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What the world is about to enter into, a second time. Hopefully I am wrong.
Trump won't be enough. Thanks to Obama, the Western world is going into another Dark Ages. I can feel it
by Charmouche February 20, 2017
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The decade of cocaine, roller blading, weird fashion, the best sex, simpler times and the finest females. America was the number one place to be in the world. Also a time when New York and New Jersey (East Coast) were the hottest places, and took back America as the best place to be; from the previous West Coast and the South. Also the era when Japanese cars took over the American market in popularity. Like Mazda, Honda and Toyota.

And of course, some of the craziest music produced by human beings, ever.
Sometimes you wish society was just like the weird ol' 1980s.

To a European, if you were ADIDAS, you're an Eastern European. To an American, if you were ADIDAS you're representin' the retro 1980s.
by Charmouche February 18, 2017
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Probably the most dangerous antidepressant out there. It's like the Xanax of antidepressants. You literally feel nothing on this drug and are easily irritable and irritated. Sometimes you want to become a psychopath on it, and have thoughts to hurt people or yourself. Some gangsters in the hood and corrupt cops take it with Xanax, whenever there is a gang/turf war and such, so they push it to the limit and don't feel any fear.

It is basically Psychiatric fraud and poison; soma for the masses. See: Brave New World But, big pharma don't want the common man mindless herd to know this. lol
Eric Harris of Columbine High School was a nice kid before he was prescribed Zoloft after becoming freshman at age 15, by his parents to ward off depression. Then Harris became a mental case with his bullying and went on a rampage with his friend, Dylan Klebold.
by Charmouche September 11, 2016
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Generally, a person who lacks common sense, street smarts and a sense of self. A slow witted person. One who does not know the ways of the world. One who does not know their ass from a hole in the ground. Easily manipulated & taken advantage of. Usually operates in a field that is way above their skill-level. Incompetent. An embarrassment. Essentially a tool; a useful idiot. The chump usually thinks he is cool and suffers from over-confidence; but is just a player and is being fooled before s/he knows it.
1. Tom Cruise is the classic definition of a chump. He thinks he is smart and cool, but Alas; falls into the barrel of laughs that is moronic, delusional Scientology.

2. Most Polish people from the country of Poland qualify as chumps. (Don't believe me? Hopefully find out for yourself one day. Such pathetic immigrants I have to deal with.)
by Charmouche June 13, 2014
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A nice, lil stylish / fancy slang way of saying California.
Let's go chill at my penthouse suite down in Tahoe, Califaz.
by Charmouche January 26, 2017
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