12 definitions by CharlieGiggles

Dry, watery cider that tastes faintly of those chemicals you used in secondary school chemistry class. Always seems like the best thing to buy when having an "event" due to it's cheapness and universal appeal- it's sweet enough for girls to like, but "beery" enough for guys to like.

Almost always induces vomiting after 5 or 6 cans. It is physically impossible to sip or savour Strongbow in any way due to both it's taste and reputation as a "party drink".
*when drunk* god, why did we buy STRONGBOW?! *pukes in front of friends* I'll never drink this godawful shite again...
by CharlieGiggles September 2, 2009
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Plasticization Syndrome is a phenomenon found in the UK's current generation's youth, born in the late 80's and early 90's. It is when, due to peer pressure, perception of an "ideal appearance" in the media, bad parenting, and the culture of celebrity, the girls of the generation assume semi-identical appearances, without realising what they're doing.

Symptoms include aggressively straightened hair, hair being bleached blond to the point where the hair follicles are actually dying, applying makeup that can be measured in inches, saying "izzit" after every other sentence, assuming an online identity containing the words "lil" and "princess", having extremely underage sex, not having any real friends but instead a large group of people with whom to bitch, a lack of personal identity, respect and development and a general ignorance of the world.
Charlie: God, the leaver's ball at school was totally ruined by the semi-identical, orange-tanned, cinderella-dress clad girls- it looked like some kind of weird shop-dummy gathering.
Girl Suffering from Plasticization Syndrome: Mett, laak, wot is iz u on abaat boi? U best not be dis'spectin me or nuffin. Izzit.
Charlie: Jeez.
by CharlieGiggles August 7, 2009
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What absolute utter ignorant pricks call a guitar riff. The singular most irritating thing that can ever be said to another human being who knows the correct way to say it is "riff".
Sam- I love that guitar rift from Led Zeppelin's Heartbreaker.
Chaz- I hope you die a lonely, slow, painful death.
by CharlieGiggles September 12, 2009
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A license fail occurs when someone taking what should be their first driving practical test prepares thoroughly with expensive lessons, has been waiting for months, is supremely confident of their ability to pass, and has even discussed getting insured for their parent's car upon passing...

...Only to discover that, in the test center waiting room, they have the wrong side of their paper provisional license, meaning they cannot be tested, waste the money spent on taking the test, disappoint family and friends and have to wait 3 months for the next available test.

Also known as "pulling a Charlie".
Guy 1- Holy fuck, you know what's worse than failing your driving test?

Guy 2- Nah, what...?

Guy 1- committing epic license fail, that's what *shudders*
by CharlieGiggles August 29, 2009
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Jack White's latest side project, also known as "Jack White's Inevitable Next Cash In Project". Although a semi-passable album, Jack White's "solos", which have been reduced to short bursts of fuzz-distortion instead of actual music, make the entire album unlistenable, as upon hearing a single decibel, the listener will be thrown into an uncontrollable psychotic fit of utter fury.
Jack White: I fancy making several MORE million dollars. Hey you! Yes, you over there in the twatty gothic dress! Come and record a half-arsed, whiny, poorly produced array of songs, call it an album, and sell it as "The Dead Weather"!
Random Singer: Er... ok!
Jack White: Thaaaaats right... it's got my name on it, so it'll sell millions regardless of whether it's good or not!
by CharlieGiggles August 7, 2009
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