47 definitions by Carl J. Maltese

Supreme Headquarters International Espionage Law-enforcement Division.
In my previous entry I had forgotten to include the word "Espionage." But, as any devout reader of Marvel Comics can tell you, both definitions are correct as Marvel briefly dropped "Espionage" from SHIELD in the late 1970's. They eventually restored it.
by Carl J. Maltese May 7, 2007
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Supreme Headquarters International Law-enforcement Division.

Fictional super-spy organization from Marvel Comics' "Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD"

This "organization" also provided a thread of continuity within nearly all of Marvel Comics' titles from the mid-1960's until the early 1990's.
"Just as it looked like the end for Captain America, a helicopter full of SHIELD agents showed up in the nick of time!"
by Carl J. Maltese April 8, 2007
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A Bullshit Artist!!

(From the Mel Brooks movie "History of the World, part one.")
Unemployment Office Person: "Name and occupation?"

Comicus: "Comicus, Stand-up Philosopher."

Unemployment Office Person: "A what?"

Comicus: "A Stand-up Philosopher. I take the collasence of daily life and produce anectdotes that have synonymous meaning with various people."

Unemployment Office Person: "Oh. A bullshit artist!"

Comicus: "Uh...Yeah."

Unemployment Office Person: "Well, did you bullshit today? Did you try to bullshit today? Try harder or we'll have to cut-off you payments. Next please!"
by Carl J. Maltese April 8, 2007
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Those expensive prom dresses you just had to have.
"I fail to see why all those stupid girls would waste such an incredible amount of money on dresses that can only be worn once. I mean, the guys wear rented tuxedoes. Why can't the girls get rental dresses?"
by Carl J. Maltese May 28, 2007
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One of the three world superstates as described in George Orwell's "1984."
Oceania consists of North and South America, Austrailia, New Zealand, some of the Pacific islands, all the Atlantic islands--including the British Isles-- and South Africa. The British Isles are known as "Airstrip 1."
"One was expected to stand at attention when 'Oceania 'tis for thee' played over the telescreen..."
by Carl J. Maltese April 10, 2007
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"Imatation" spelled backwards. Used as a seemingly harmless word to describe someone of either gender who is: an annoying braggart, a B.S. artist, an egotist, is shallow, fake, two faced, and/or self-centered, and/or all of the above. Usually said "person" is so-full-of-themselves that they never figure out what the word is or means!
"Ha! Listen to that Mikey talken' about single-handedly winning the football game! Like we didn't help. What a noitatami!!"
by Carl J. Maltese April 22, 2007
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What you should have done...instead of getting her pregnant!
He: "Damn! I should have polished the wood instead of knocking you up!"

She: "You were. But you forgot I was there!"
by Carl J. Maltese October 24, 2007
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