29 definitions by Capuchin for Hire

When you create artificial traffic by actively using a bunch of bots or phones in a single vehicle to dissuade other gps users from using the same pathway as you.
Steve: Yo we gotta be in LA in less then 10hrs, lets make like Moses and Jack the Track!
Kenneth: Ok let me just boot up these 50 phones and run google maps to the same spot , No traffic no static.
by Capuchin for Hire August 12, 2023
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A phrase meaning to efficiently accomplish a task by being the outlier of a choactic or upredictable scenario, similiar to how hyenas or wolves herd their prey .
WAITER: "Table 1 and 3 want their plates abd two is undecided what ahould i do?
Manager: Work the circle, take order from table one and three then go back to two.
by Capuchin for Hire January 17, 2022
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A male who has either suffered a detrimental leg injury on one leg that impedes his mobility either from scar tissue or because he is missing one leg. The probability of there being a one-legged greg are exponentially higher in the modern day society. The female counterpart is known as one-legged Meg.
Greg:"FUCK! My hamstring just locked up, help a brother out."
Jeff: " No problem one-legged Greg, on it!"
by Capuchin for Hire March 9, 2023
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A house that generates its own energy from livestock, through the use of treadmills or similiar mechanisms.
Person 1:" Man look at those chickens go, they are really powering up my giant flatscreen t.v.!"
Person 2:" Yeah, looks like you got yourself a Frankenhouse going."
by Capuchin for Hire April 23, 2022
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When you wake up and the first thing you do is go on urbandictionary for word of the day, the best alternative ritual to your daily news readings to make you laugh.
Person 1:" Man the news is full of bad apples."
Person 2: " You should try to Wake-and-laugh, go on urbandictionary for word of the day as soon as you wake up."
by Capuchin for Hire April 9, 2022
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The structure or atmosphere of a "crazy" or out of hand place.
raig: Man those dudes over there keep throwing weights ima tell em to settle down.
Jake: No bro! Your gonna disturb the Social Dymanic of the gym, Hype beasts and power clowns are what keep this gym going! They are just amped up.
by Capuchin for Hire August 12, 2023
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A coffee cup stain left on the work desk that validates any blueprints or plans you have on paper.
I was hesitant about building that new workout equipment even though I didn't have all the resources, but after that cup of mojo left a stamp of self-approval on my blueprints I said "I'm doing this shit!"
by Capuchin for Hire January 1, 2023
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