8 definitions by Ca

Most things being said on here are really false. Binghamton is what "YOU" make of it and obviously most people who have written what a terrible place and school Bing is have obviously not made anything of it for themselves. Sure, it is cloudy and rainy A LOT and yes it is very much Jews and Asians.But really... Go somewhere else if you hate it so much and believe it or not, many people are very happy to be there and would not want to be going to Cornell instead. Also for the record, soem of teh sorority girls are quite pretty, and far from fat, therefore yes, they do wear Solos and look great!
I went there and can prove this
by Ca March 31, 2005
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an 80s band with a song called "Tic Tac toe" that you should download right now
by Ca November 29, 2003
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Did you see what happened when dave insulted his mother?

He went Bugnut.
by Ca March 20, 2004
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My god, that Clinton/Gore Dear Angel was scary!
by Ca January 18, 2004
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A word. No definate definition. Can mean anything
"I have to poont."
"Holy poont!"
"Bob kicked Tim in his poont"
"Susie was ran over by a car. Poont."
by Ca July 6, 2003
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The alpha socket is the zone between being fully conscious and unconscious. You are conscious but the unconscious is in the foreground.
I took a hit and was in the alpha socket for quite a while.

Purportedly, Jimmi Hendrix was a master of moving into the alpha socket at will.
by Ca January 27, 2005
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An All Boys School: Located in Washington, DC, Gonzaga uses remodeled apartment buildings. They are known for liking other men and losing to St. John's College High School (featuring Girls) in football, basketball, and baseball. Most students are characterized by their shaggy hair and flamingly homosexual ways.
Student: Let's go pick up chicks at an all girls school.
Other Gonzaga Student: Sure, let's hit up Georgetown Prep.
by Ca April 25, 2005
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