4 definitions by Buttplugger69

The toughest, Horse muscle having, huge dick showing, ass beating, race of pacific islander there is.
Hey don’t fuck with them! They’re all Tongans!
by Buttplugger69 January 21, 2020
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Dirt weed, or weed tasting like shit and gives you headaches
Man, yo ass finna get popped one day if you keep selling that boof
by Buttplugger69 May 2, 2021
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When a female (or male) shits on a dick during anal sex
Damn this sloppy joe is messy as fuck!
by Buttplugger69 January 15, 2020
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The most beautiful island flower located in the South Pacific regions which include America Samoa, Fiji, and Tonga.
Damn, that’s a really pretty Usi right there.
by Buttplugger69 December 31, 2020
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