6 definitions by Bukkake Gargler

When it's a beautiful winter evening in December and you gaze out your frosted window to marvel at the beautiful delicate snowflakes as they make there way to the ground but instead you see a dozen natives passed out on your front lawn.
Little Johnny and his family drove around to look at the christmas lights set up around town. When they got home there was a nativity scene of their own on their own front lawn.
by Bukkake Gargler October 8, 2003
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Performing fellatio upon a man's penis. Generally done by homosexual geriatric asian men (see: lemonparty.org).
That old man of asian decent chowed my cable all day long.
by Bukkake Gargler December 14, 2004
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The act of consuming varying amounts of fecal material.

Began in the midwest when shiteating became mainstream and the street term used was 'Recycling'.
Stanley: "Hey man, do you recycle?"

Dwayne: "Yeah. You hungry?"

John: "Yeah, bust that nugget all into my mouth, nigga."
by Bukkake Gargler December 14, 2004
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The act of defecating a violent stream of diarrhea onto the head/face of another or oneself*.

The german showerer's anus plays the part of the shower faucet while the showeree enjoys** the hot fecal material enrobing his/her visage.

*see tub girl

**It is quite often the showeree does not in fact enjoy this.
"One day I consumed 3 gallons of spicey chili and went and annihilated my girlfriend's face with a violent torrent of jalapeno pepper laced excrement. She quite enjoyed the German shower but the jalapeno peppers-not so much."
by Bukkake Gargler January 6, 2005
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A man of the homosexual persuasion.

Origin: Homosexual males are generally more sensitive than heterosexual males. As opposed to heterosexual males, dicksmoking faggots will quite often keep their promises, thus the name Promise Keeper.
Look at those two guys over there chowing each others cable (see:chowing cable) and being sensitive, what a couple of Promise Keepers.
by Bukkake Gargler December 14, 2004
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Someone employed in the pornography industry who's duties include licking in and around a male porn actor's anus (see: rimming, tossing salad) during breaks in filming. This is done to ensure the porn actor's penis remains in an excited state (see: hard) thus allowing smooth transitions during scene changes and/or makeup reapplication.

This is considered an entry level position and the employee will usually work hard in order to acquire a promotion to fluffer.
Oh, the new guy's just a waffler? Well, send him in... Today's his lucky day; I've got a terrible case of butt vomit.
by Bukkake Gargler November 6, 2006
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