4 definitions by Broken Mirror

ODer1: Wanna d8 meh?
ODer2: Yass les go to roleplay game where they have beds ;)
*someone walks in*
ODer Hater: Omg you ODers I'm gonna report youuu
ODer1: I do not care! You can't do dat! What're the people gonna do about it??
*later again*
*both ODers get banned*
by Broken Mirror January 23, 2018
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Referring to something or someone who is incredibly mean and "salty" to everyone. Also someone who pulls off amazing roasts.
Student: Oh, its Salty! She's gonna roast you so hard!!
by Broken Mirror January 23, 2018
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A funny sound in Roblox and Minecraft when you die and is a living meme. You can make any song possible with it, just say oof to the tune of the song!
Roblox Player: *dies: oOf

Song: oooooof oof oof oof oooooof oof oof oof ooooooof
by Broken Mirror January 23, 2018
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Things you put on your eyelashes that will make you stick to a refrigerator. Do not wear! You could possibly have your eyelids yanked out. Also you will stick to the magnetic item for eternity. Do not wear!!
Stereotype girl that wants to be pretty even though she's ugly af: "I WANT MAH EYELASHERS!"
Her hater getting revenge by giving magnetic lashes: Also, here's how you put them on: Stick them to your eye and lower yourself gently near the magnetic item. then get in a comfortable and hope someone will notice you and bring you food and water.
by Broken Mirror January 23, 2018
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