2 definitions by Botulism Made Me Crap My Pants

The US economic practice of encouraging large US banks and corporations who lobby US politicians to exploit the wealth and recourses of this planet. The practice of tax breaks and government bailouts have been used to facilitate Bushinomics. The term has also been known as "The last great transfer of wealth from the citizenry to Corporate America and Wall Street."
First rule of Bushinomics is to create inflation by increasing the supply of money, and then use increased supply of money to transfer wealth.
by Botulism Made Me Crap My Pants February 5, 2009
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The economic practice of spending US taxpayer money to nationalize private business with intentions of creating a socialist society. This is the polar opposite of Bushinomics (Capitalism run awry).
Obamanomics has been used in The United Socialist States of America to create wonderful programs like socialized health care. The government did such a wonderful job with Social Security, why not hand over medical care, retirement, and enjoy the bread lines created for the well being of American citizens.
by Botulism Made Me Crap My Pants February 5, 2009
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