23 definitions by Bottom Ford

When you say something you know will cause your friend to make a face, and you make it first to avert an accusation of mimicry.
I’m not mimicking you if I pout first.”
“It’s preemptive mimicry!”
by Bottom Ford September 28, 2010
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An adjective to describe anything worth blushing about.
Bottom hardly ever does anything blushworthy, but last week he was sleeping too close to the edge and fell off the bed.
by Bottom Ford September 3, 2010
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A weather condition frequently seen in family photographs of a certain age, brought on by the ill-considered use of Scotch tape in scrapbooks and picture frames.
I found a photograph of Grandma sitting in her roadster under Scotch-tape skies.
by Bottom Ford January 2, 2010
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Abrasion caused by contact with rocks/reef in a surfing accident.
"Dig Bottom's reef rash. He wiped out bad."
by Bottom Ford September 17, 2009
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1. The title of Matt Damon’s new spy thriller.

2. May refer to any extraneous or inferior movie sequel.
“You seen that new Matt Damon flick?”

“The Bourne Redundancy? Derivative, man.”
by Bottom Ford March 14, 2010
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1. A utopian distiller of single-malt scotch that would be located on the Isle of Islay if it existed.

2. A figurative single-malt scotch that, when consumed by house pets, causes them to demand more treats and attention than they deserve.
Your dog won't keep his nose out of my dinner. He’s been hitting the Begmore too hard.”
by Bottom Ford January 3, 2010
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A rude and age-ist accusation made by young drivers against older drivers whose speed does not exceed the legal limit.
“Grandma Death’s doing five miles an hour. Oh wait, six now.”
“Clearly a case of driving while gray.”
by Bottom Ford April 6, 2010
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