20 definitions by BooBoohead


Popular female rapper that hails from Miami, Florida. Commonly known as "the diamond princess".
Katrina and Kelly Rowland did a tight song together in 2005.
by BooBoohead March 5, 2006
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lil rok playaz

A rap/hip hop group based out of Little Rock, Arkansas that "blew up" after the release of their hit single "Me and Mrs. Jones".
The Lil Rok Playaz is one of the best rap groups to ever come out of the South.
by BooBoohead March 9, 2006
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Mane, a bunch of hoes was walkin down Geyer Springs Road and Baseline Road in the S-Dub last night.
by BooBoohead March 9, 2006
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Nickname for Southwest Little Rock. Bastardization of the old nickname "SW".
Mane it be a bunch of hoes walkin down Baseline and Geyer Springs Road down in the S-Dub.
by BooBoohead March 6, 2006
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Mane it be a bunch of hoes on Geyer Springs and Baseline down in the s-dub.
by BooBoohead March 22, 2006
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Suga City

1) Nickname for Stuttgart, Arkansas
2) Rap/Hip Hop group based out of Stuttgart, Arkansas that is signed with Conduit Entertainment and had regional success with the song "No Alibi"
A bunch of females from Suga City was at the club last night.

Suga City is not just one of the best rap groups out of Arkansas, but one of the best rap groups out of the South period.
by BooBoohead March 9, 2006
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Suga City

1) Nickname of Stuttgart, Arkansas
2)Rap group based out of Stuttgart, Arkansas with the Conduit Entertainment label that scored big regionally with the hit single "No Alibi"
Mane, a bunch of females from Suga City stay in Little Rock now.

Suga City is one of the crunkest rap groups in Arkansas and I believe that they will have nationwide success in the near future.
by BooBoohead March 6, 2006
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