7 definitions by Blackman (black super hero)

Misspelling of "cripple", most likely by a 8 year old child named JimmyBiscuit65 on Roblox.
"Mie grandmama is Kripeil and disabld, liek my ipone" - JimmyBiscuit65, playing adopt and disown a child on Roblox.
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The cupboard of which I used as a personal training potty for the last 5 years. For reference, I am a middle aged man living on his own living off of my own eyelashes and toe nails
I just crapped my pants in the Pee Cupboard
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Dancing semi-naked in nothing apart from your patriotic underwear.
Ronald McDonald was frombonting at 3 AM until the police arrived.
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1. The chief Jester/Entertainer in the Roman Empire.

2. A fool; a laughingstock.
Jeff truly was an Archimime.
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That one cool teacher that can rap really well, and has a forehead brighter than one’s own future.
Mr. Lovejoy, I swear… I wasn’t cooking meth in the science labs! Please don’t make me spend the night with your step mother again…
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When a bro does a turd on your neighbours lawn and frames you.
BroJerry just did Brodung. “Not cool, dude.”
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The art of waving one’s buttocks high in the air imitating the Nazi salute with one’s own excrement.
Bro dang yo dog snoop log home slice bread slice buddy chum pal friend pal buddy chum, did you know Kayne East loves to Shabootya?
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