17 definitions by Becks Grevau

Something that seems odd or queer. Not neccesarily "gay".
I told my friend my Dad was acting fruity after I caught him dancing around in a banana costume.
by Becks Grevau June 16, 2007
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To overdue something, add unneccesary effort, or to blow it out of proportion.
Liz calhouned our social studies project, writing notecards, making a powerpoint, hiring a marching band and getting Bob Barker as an announcer for our presenation on Moday.
by Becks Grevau May 19, 2007
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A phrase used by elementy school students and the most common way to get one of their peers to stop doing something.
Girl: Stop pulling my pigtails!
Boy: Whadda you gonna do about it, huh?
Girl: I'll tell.
*Boy runs away from girl*
by Becks Grevau March 14, 2007
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To be jealous of someone who is wealthy or has wealthy parents.
Girl 1: Ooh, are you going on the trip to Italy in April? I am, it only cost 5,000. Euro that is.
Girl 2: No. I'm poor. *Gets jealrich*
by Becks Grevau March 31, 2007
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Form of tag in which when tagged by the player who is it, you must "freeze". You can become unfrozen when another player who is not it tags you. The player who is it wins when everyone is tagged.
"Let's play freeze tag, Johnny's it!"
by Becks Grevau March 27, 2007
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A unit for measuring awesome.
I just decreased my carbon footprint! My awesome level just went up a few obamas.
by Becks Grevau January 6, 2008
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