78 definitions by BATMAN

the phrase used to express the feeling of insecurity of ones ear
'u know my ear? im not sure whether its bleedong any more.'
by BATMAN March 19, 2005
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a type of japanese food. looks like green spam ( a bit like spinache)
'my god what can i have for dinner?'

'lord almighty! have some damp paper towel! its all the rage man!'

'dude! fuck yeah!'
by BATMAN March 19, 2005
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Fuckin owned

Best lookin man on the planet
"look its the best looking man on the planet. Fuckin owned
by BATMAN March 16, 2005
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like noodles, but reeealy teeny noodles.
"woah hey im not in mood for noodles! they look wayy too big"

"yo dude! try some nodles!"

"just what i need man, thanx"
by BATMAN March 18, 2005
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a person who whishes to engage in sexual intercourse with a stuffed animal.
That furry stole my teddy bear... he can keep it.
by BATMAN December 13, 2002
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