84 definitions by B. Hanback

Flavor Mist

The misty wall of cologne and/or body spray that you walk through while getting ready to go out.
DJ sprayed his Platinum cologne and AXE body spray in the air and walked through the flavor mist...he had a smokin hot date.
by B. Hanback July 23, 2008
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An Acronym for:

Dad is going out tonight with the ROMEO club - they are going to the early bird special at the shrimp shack...they love it...
by B. Hanback January 15, 2010
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Bachelor Baby

A child born out of wedlock. The father is a bachelor and is not dating or seeing the mother of the child.
Tom Brady is dating the supermodel Gisele Bundchen, but has a bachelor baby with Bridget Moynahan.

The NFL number one draft pick has three bachelor babies he has to support.
by B. Hanback January 25, 2008
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Sonic Boom

The loud, scary, startling noise of your car stereo when you start your car in the morning because the night before you were partying, banging your head to Van Halen and had it maxed out.
I got hit with the Sonic Boom this morning and fucking spilled my coffee all over myself when I started the car...we were jamming to Journey last night...
by B. Hanback March 14, 2008
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Snow Day

Term for when you are so hung over and drunk the night before work or school you just say "fuck it" and don't show up.
It's 3 am...we need to head home...

Dude, tomorrow is a snow day for me...I aint going to work...

Lauren was doing shots at 4 am and knew Thursday was going to be a snow day!
by B. Hanback January 18, 2009
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Slang for the children of a single mom. Deriving from the fact that if you sleep with her and spend the night, you will have to buy her kids a yoohoo the next morning.
Bro, I am dating a hot divorced chick...

Make sure she does not have any yoohoo's...
by B. Hanback January 17, 2008
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Automatic Family

The term used when a man or woman marrys someone that has kids.
Man, I love that girl to death, but I am not ready for an automatic family.

Dude, she's got kids?

Yea, three little rugrats.
by B. Hanback May 21, 2008
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