12 definitions by B*RAD

Person who likes to just hang out at home. Doesn't really like to get out.
Nah, I really don't get out. I'm just kind of a "house cat".
by B*RAD August 10, 2007
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the act of anal misshapenness by reaching the two thumb fingers of one in to another's rectum. then taking the other eight fingers rolling the butt hole outwards.

also known as rolling a doughnut, the Patric Swazy, and the pottery wheel.

hat turned out as in the way a magic hat, or the seen in ghost wear Patric Swazy is at the pottery wheel.
go get your hat turned out... and and then you cant walk right.
by B*RAD May 8, 2011
can be used to describe a nasty woman's genitalia, as in mold found in a nasty bathroom or kitchen,

can also be used as a question to let others around know the person is being moody for reasons not caused or involved with the much like how one may ask if you have sand in your vagina. using the phrase this way works on both male and female partys
Guy one: No way I'd hit that!

Guy two: I know right I bet she has mold on her Petunia

The man at the post office was a real jerk today; I asked him whats your deal do you have Mold on your petunia?
by B*RAD May 22, 2014
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Much like the dreaded Biotch the only difference is a He'iotch is a male. Hints the Spelling "HE" in He'iotch
Dude kept whining and complaining today about anything and everything like a little He'iotch
by B*RAD July 9, 2015
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When a male grabs the lower portion of his scrotum with both hands, pulling it out and upward towards himself, leaving his cock sticking out like a "marsupial in the pouch". Ususally for the entertaiment of others.
The dinner party ended when john pulled down his pants and did the "marsupial".
by B*RAD August 10, 2007
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