5 definitions by Ash C

The condition where one eye is out of alignment with the other . This may be caused by either a medical condition, lack of sleep or excessive alcohol consumption.
As a heavy night of drinking came to a close, John got a bad case of the Boggle Eye
by Ash C December 2, 2005
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To indicate a woman's vagina is of very high quality in terms of tightness, moisture content and of course odour during sex.

The Holy Grail of every heterosexual man: the perfect pussy.

Not to be taken literally - cunts are very rarely golden in colour.
Damn bro, I bet that Milf has a golden cunt!

Shiiit, I need to get me a piece of a golden cunt.

"Quick bartholomew! To the Tower of Shinzegar with the sacred Golden Cunt!"
by Ash C December 2, 2005
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1)English slang: derogatory term for the foreskin of a man's penis.
2)Used as a humourous and manly insult.
1) He peeled back his lid and rendered his girlfriend unconcious with the aromatic smell.

2)Guy 1:"Here's the money I forgot to pay your mum last night"
Guy 2:"Shut up, lid." ¬_¬`
by Ash C December 2, 2005
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(pl.) Intranet: A closed form of the internet common in workplaces and education centres; essentially a LAN with limited access to internet pages stored on a local database.
Intranets useage: Tom couldnt stand his school's intranet - all the beastiality sites were blocked.
by Ash C December 3, 2005
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Comical way of referring to a woman's accidentally exposed genitalia.
Close yer legs love, I can see right up yer gusset!
by Ash C December 2, 2005
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