14 definitions by AntimatterKING

Similar to a shitload, but much, much more.
Awww fuck I have a shit ton of homework. I'm never gonna get to that party.
by AntimatterKING January 24, 2010
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An obscenely fat person who knows they shouldn't try to fit into a bathing suit but does anyway. Usually the first person to go off of the high dive, and fucks on the first date.
Look, there he goes!
That whale phish is gonna break the diving board!
by AntimatterKING August 3, 2009
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What the fuck do you think it means dumbass? A younger twink.
Look at the way Michael shakes his but when he walks. He's such a boy whore
by AntimatterKING August 22, 2009
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Someone who fakes being an asshole just to be friends with the "popular" kids. Not necessarily the meanest, but definitely the most annoying.
A: Yo, what happened to John? He started being a complete dickhead yesterday

B: He's just being a Mo-faux to impress the new kid. He'll get over it.
by AntimatterKING October 17, 2009
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An acronym for send/shoot-me-a-link.
A: Yo I just saw the funniest fail ever on YouTube
B: Really? SMAL I wanna see :P
by AntimatterKING January 26, 2011
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1. Something that is meant to entertain, but actually sucks.
2. Foreplay that doesn't turn you on.
1. Man, I thought that open mic night was some real enterdrainment.
2. Whenever my wife tries to "spice up" our sex life, all she can come up with is enterdrainment.
by AntimatterKING July 22, 2009
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